Here Is How You Can Enhance Your LED Retrofit

green way lighting led retroWhen you retrofit a fixture to LED lamps, you save yourself on the cost of a new fixture while updating lighting considerably. If you have taken the time to retrofit, you may think you are done and can simply reap the benefits of LED. However, a few tips exist to maximize LED retrofits to their full potential. Keep reading to learn more about how you can improve your LED retrofit.

Consider The Reasoning For Your LED Retrofit

There are a lot of reasons to retrofit fixtures to LED lamps. You should carefully consider why you want to switch because it can help you maximize the retrofit potential. For example, if you switch to LED to up the lumens in a space, you should consider how retrofitting more than one fixture will affect the area. If you are changing LEDs because they operate on a lower wattage of energy consumed, you should keep in mind lumens in the space. It is always important to look at a retrofit from every possible angle as to how it will impact the area and overall lighting plan.

Install timers

One of the best tips to maximize LED retrofits is to install timers to the fixture. The timers will help you make the most of the fixture by turning it on or off at a set time of day. This can be ideal for locations such as commercial or warehouse settings where the lights aren’t needed 24 hours a day.

Install Occupancy Sensors

Installing occupancy sensors is another excellent way to maximize your LED retrofitted fixture. These sensors will only turn the fixture on when someone is in the room and turn it off when the space isn’t occupied. Since so many people retrofit to LED for the utility saving potential, installing sensors ensures you reach those savings instead of wasting electricity.

Prioritize Maintenance

Another reason people switch to LED is because they are low-key as far as maintenance compared to other fixture options. You can still install them and remember them entirely. You should still keep the lamps clean and dust-free with a quick, easy towel wipe-down. People choose LED lights because they are so bright, and you don’t want a layer of dust collecting on the lamps to dim them.


At Green Way Lighting, we genuinely value the importance of meeting the needs of our customers. Whether you are searching for lighting solutions for your commercial building or residential property, we have the options available to fit all your needs. Reach us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us on our website!

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